
Freja for Isabel Marant

Freja Beha Erichsen for a fall 2011 campaign by Mario Sorrenti- Isabel Marant



Silly Season

Because it's Silly Time, here some cool pic's

Cucumber time

Only one and a half day work and it's finally weekend.
At the moment it's extremely quiet at work.
We Dutchies call it: Komkommertijd (cucumber time). Don't ask me why, but while I was searching on the net I found how other countries indicate our cucumbertime:
In Germany you have 'Sommerloch'
French people have 'la morte-saison'
In beautiful Sweden they call it 'Nyhetstorka'
Fortunalety we are not the only country who indicate time with the green vegetable.
The Danes are also crazy: 'arguketid'..and in Poland they call it 'Sezon Ogorkowy'
Finally; if there's little news and you don't know what to write; then you call that: 'Silly Season'. I think my time has come. For me it's officially Silly Season. Still two more weeks to go and then I'm off to Biarritz.
