Only one and a half day work and it's finally weekend.
At the moment it's extremely quiet at work.
We Dutchies call it: Komkommertijd (cucumber time). Don't ask me why, but while I was searching on the net I found how other countries indicate our cucumbertime:
In Germany you have 'Sommerloch'
French people have 'la morte-saison'
In beautiful Sweden they call it 'Nyhetstorka'
Fortunalety we are not the only country who indicate time with the green vegetable.
The Danes are also crazy: 'arguketid'..and in Poland they call it 'Sezon Ogorkowy'
Finally; if there's little news and you don't know what to write; then you call that: 'Silly Season'. I think my time has come. For me it's officially Silly Season. Still two more weeks to go and then I'm off to Biarritz.
At the moment it's extremely quiet at work.
We Dutchies call it: Komkommertijd (cucumber time). Don't ask me why, but while I was searching on the net I found how other countries indicate our cucumbertime:
In Germany you have 'Sommerloch'
French people have 'la morte-saison'
In beautiful Sweden they call it 'Nyhetstorka'
Fortunalety we are not the only country who indicate time with the green vegetable.
The Danes are also crazy: 'arguketid'..and in Poland they call it 'Sezon Ogorkowy'
Finally; if there's little news and you don't know what to write; then you call that: 'Silly Season'. I think my time has come. For me it's officially Silly Season. Still two more weeks to go and then I'm off to Biarritz.